Our Vision and Values
GlobalPath is a culture of energy, integrity, and passion. We invest continually in our technology and our people – because we know they're the twin pillars upon which our company stands. By placing people over profits, we're focused on long term solutions and relationships rather than short term gains.

GlobalPath prioritizes personal growth.
We don’t hire people expecting that they’ll be perfect, or fit neatly into a prescribed box. We hire people who are eager to improve themselves and, in the process, deliver exceptional service to our customers.
Why We Read
Knowledge is the foundation of personal growth. That’s why we encourage our team members to read consistently. (We also reward them financially for doing so.) Because it’s through reading that we can all improve and enhance the four fundamental quadrants of intelligence: Innate Intelligence (IQ), Acquired Intelligence (AQ), Technical Intelligence (TQ), and Emotional Intelligence (EQ).